Q – Why are you offering two different private cremation services? A – To allow pet owners an affordable option for a private cremation, with assurance that Smoke Rise Farm gives their word that, with either private cremation service offered, they have strong controls in place to ensure that all pets are clearly identified at all times. Q – How is the Communal Cremation different from the Separate Private Cremation? A – Communal Cremation is when various pets are cremated in the same chamber without any separation from other pets. There is absolutely no way that one pet can be identified from another. Separated Private Cremation is when more than one pet is cremated in the same chamber but there is a clear separation between each pet. Q – How do you track a Separate Private Cremation? A - Each pet is identified by a metal numbered tag. The number is written on a 3-copy toe tag. Pet is removed from the chamber one by one and their metal tag continues to identify them until cremains are sealed in a Ziploc bag and matched with the toe tag, which then travels with pet until signed for. Q – How do you track a Private Cremation? A - Pet is identified by a metal numbered tag. The number is written on a 3-copy toe tag. The metal tag continues to identify pet through the cremation until cremains are sealed in a ziploc bag and matched with the toe tag, which then travels with pet until signed for. Q – Am I getting back 100% of my pet when I choose private cremation? A – No certified crematory operator can assure you that you will get 100% of your pet’s remains. There are small fragments left behind in the chamber that is impossible to sweep out. You are, however, getting at least 95-98% of your pet remains. Q – What happens to the ashes from communal cremation service? A - Communal cremation ashes are buried in a common numbered grave in our cemetery. Q – What are the procedures for ensuring that I get my pet back? A - Clinic will tag pet with our 3-copy toe tag that gives us the necessary information about the pet and the service requested. Our Driver ties a metal I.D. tag on pet at time of pick-up. Driver writes the number from the metal I.D. tag onto the toe tag. The Metal I.D. tag travels with the pet at all times during the cremation process. When the cremains are sealed in a Ziploc bag the metal tag is matched with the toe tag. The toe tag then travels with the pet until delivery is made, and tag is signed. Q – How long does it take to get my pet back? A – Usually 2 to 3 business days from receipt of pet Q – Where will my pet be held at your facility if service is to be delayed? A – We have cold storage that will keep your pet safe and preserved for whatever length of time it may take to proceed with the service. Q – Can I get an optional urn? A – Yes. See our website for optional urns and price. Q – May I attend my pet burial? A – Yes. Provided you have chosen a Private Burial. Appointment is necessary and will be scheduled with the Staff at Smoke Rise Farm Pet Cemetery. Call our cemetery for details – 817-444-2221 Q – Do you have optional markers? A – Yes. See our website for several options. Q – Do you sell caskets? A – Yes. See our website for display and price. Q – Is a casket required for private burials? A – Not usually. Smoke Rise Farm will provide a blanket if you do not choose to purchase a casket. Q – Can I visit my pet’s grave? A – Yes. Pet owners are allowed in our cemetery 7-days a week during daylight hours. Minors must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. Q – Who owns the land where my pet is buried? A – The original 5 acre cemetery is donated to the Smoke Rise Farm Pet Perpetual Trust. With another 20+ acres owned by the cemetery owners for future expansions. Q – What is a perpetual care trust fund used for? A - Funds to be used to maintain the cemetery grounds and pay taxes on the land. Q – Is perpetual care fees mandatory? A – No, it is funded by donation only. The funds are to be used for the perpetual care required to maintain the cemetery. Webmaster This page copyright © 2003 Smoke Rise Farm & smokerisefarmpetcemetery.net. All rights reserved. |